- Structural Services Services
Structural Drafting Services
Structural BIM Modeling
Structure CAD Services
Steel Structure Details
Structure Quantity Take-off
Structural Drafting Services
Structural Shop Drawing
Why Khodiyar CAD for CAD Conversion
Through CAD conversion services, KES helps you to update or convert hand made paper drawings and blueprints into digital drawings and/ or 3D models which imparts additional benefits like:
- Provide better protection to technical assets against breaching, damage & loss
- Easy & fast archiving-retrieving of the data to manage storage space efficiently,
- Easy change and repeat use of old data simply copying and editing it for new projects
- Easy information sharing across the organization levels, vendors/ third parties
- Converting 2D drawings into 3D solid models brings next level visualization benefits
CAD Conversion Services at Khodiyar CAD
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
Project Development
Marketing Content
Ready to achieve your goals?
Let us guide you!
Why Khodiyar CAD for CAD Migration
In response to the change required to migrate existing data on one platform to suitable one, KES delivers its Large data migration services to help you out from laborious complexities.
Migration to SolidWorks : We believe that great quality should speak for itself and we take pride in helping all customers to showcase their incredible work— It’s at the core of everything we do.
CAD to Revit Migration:The creative design journey doesn’t have an end; there’s always room for improvement. We’re committed to create a challenging environment for learning, and think outside the box.
Data Migration to Neutral Standards:We believe that great quality should speak for itself and we take pride in helping all customers to showcase their incredible work— It’s at the core of everything we do.
Industry we work
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
Acting with honesty and transparency.
Fostering teamwork and open communication.
Putting clients’ needs first.
Being flexible and adaptable to change.
Respecting client privacy and data security.
Why Outsource CAD Conversion services to us
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
Competitive Pricing
Advanced Tools & Technologies
Quality Management & Workflow
Data Security
Dedicated CAD teams
Robust Infrastructure
Our Clients
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
Case Study
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
Related Artical
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
KES as your design support services partner extends its excellent CAD capabilities to visualize & detail your concept from the preliminary design to the manufacturing floor by satisfying your bespoken creative & technical needs throughout the development cycle.
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