Hydraulic Press Machine Manufacturing Industry
Project Scope
– To assess the Hydraulic Press frame against a proposed maximum deflection range & yield strength limit under the given material properties, support & force conditions.
– To optimize the hydraulic press frame strength under the material yield strength limit within given design constraints at the manufacturing stage.
Khodiyar eSolutions
– CAD Geometry development from the onsite design measurements and inputs.
– FEA simulation of the hydraulic press frame to evaluate the maximum deflection & maximum equivalent stresses that occur due to operating conditions.
– Study the critical regions experiencing high stress values & their causes.
– Treated the critical regions with the necessary reinforcements to optimize the design under the material yield strength limit.
– Delivered the manufacturing drawings of the reinforcements added for the optimized design of the Hydraulic press frame.
Benefits to Customers
– Strength of the Hydraulic Press frame evaluated & critical regions with high stress values were identified.
– The Hydraulic Press frame design was strengthened by adding reinforcements at critical regions to eliminate fatigue failure, without any major modifications in the existing design.
– The components of the existing design were reused in the optimized design and thus not scrapped as wastage.