Design Validation & Optimization Services
Project Scope
To optimize the design of an SMC panel under the given weight and minimum thickness criteria while maintaining its strength against the given loading and boundary conditions.
Project Journey & Solutions
– Scanning and Reverse engineering of the SMC Panel for 3D CAD modeling.
– Analyzing the stress distribution in the SMC Panel by FEAsimulation.
– Implemented meshing strategy according to topology for efficient and high quality solution.
– Optimizing the thickness distribution across the SMC panel within the client’s minimum thickness criteria.
– Design optimization and FEA iterations to achieve the optimum design with the maximum strength-to-weight ratio of the SMC panel.
Benefits to Customers
– 10% weight reduction of existing SMC panel.
– Material and cost reduced per panel.
– Improved strength of existing SMC panel
– Optimized design of SMC Panel with a higher strength-to weight ratio.