CAD Conversion & Data Migration

CAD Conversion & Data Migration

From 15+ years and continuing, KES has transformed old fashioned design practices on to the latest, efficient CAD platforms by delivering its CAD conversion & large data migration services.


CAD Conversion Services

Through CAD conversion services, KES helps you to update or convert hand made paper drawings and blueprints into digital drawings and/ or 3D models which imparts additional benefits like:

  • Provide better protection to technical assets against breaching, damage & loss
  • Easy & fast archiving-retrieving of the data to manage storage space efficiently,
  • Easy change and repeat use of old data simply copying and editing it for new projects
  • Easy information sharing across the organization levels, vendors/ third parties
  • Converting 2D drawings into 3D solid models brings next level visualization benefits

Large data migration

In response to the change required to migrate existing data on one platform to suitable one, KES delivers its Large data migration services to help you out from laborious complexities.

Our proficient design team is excelling in managing changes across various CAD platforms whether the project involves manual or semi automated migration , complicated design configurations and retaining required priorities, interrelationships, design & manufacturing standards across the data as well as value chain partners of the product.

We Are Here to Help Your Business

Stop worrying about any business problems. Focus on your company. Let us provide the services you deserve.

Product Design & Manufacturing

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