Value Engineering

Value Engineering

Through Design Evaluation & Optimization services, KES is helping various industries to implement robust design practices in order to develop products with optimum quality and cost.


Our well versed engineering design team aims its goal to critically evaluate & optimize the functional design of your product against its intended performance requirements. Our efforts will give you another opportunity to remove any unintended extra features, errors, trade-offs, variations, in-efficient development operations, wrong design selection etc. exhibit in any phase of your product life cycle, which actually benefits you to gain competitive edge by lowering the cost and improving the customer satisfaction.

Our multidisciplinary engineering team possess professional excellency in implementing standard design practices for product evaluation & optimization like:

  • Value analysis & Value engineering
  • Functional breakdown and refinement
  • Performance goals oriented assessment
  • Design for cost, Design for manufacturing, Design for assembly
  • Design for reliability
  • Advanced Modeling & Simulation
  • Trade-off Management
  • Tolerance & Sensitivity Analysis
  • Robust design method
  • Assessment for accuracy, variation and noise in design
  • Design for environment
  • Design for test & maintenance

We Are Here to Help Your Business

Stop worrying about any business problems. Focus on your company. Let us provide the services you deserve.

Product Design & Manufacturing

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