Structural Shop Drawing

Structural Shop Drawing

Structure Shop drawings services are vital to avoid any confusion, inconsistencies, and keep the design and all its custom components updated but free from constructability issues during the actual construction.

Structural shop drawings are structural documents or structural drawing set that are generated by certified structural engineers to identify the manufacturing flow of the Steel ,fabrication process and MEP components.

  • KES team of structural steel detailing professionals who are skilled in creating erection , structure and fabrication assembly drawings, sections details, each component details, structural 3D models, advanced bill of materials like assembly list with sub assembly details, part number with part list, bolt qty , size and various shops drawing reports.
  • Structural shop drawing is a set of drawings produced in coordination with skilled contractor, sub contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and steel fabricators. Shop drawings are typically required for prefabricated components.
  • Structure shop drawing includes elevators, structural steel details, trusses, pre-cast concrete, appliances and millwork.
  • KES team have experience of working on commercial and industrial structure detailing projects provides quantity take-off,scheduling, and developing steel shop drawings. Fabrication contractors can use such models for developing fabrication drawings where detailing has been done with connections, anchor bolts, beams, columns, and other elements.


Shop drawings are the most crucial component for any professional. The quality of  shop drawings is a fundamental element that determines the accuracy and speed with which a structure is built . understands the significance of this and provides only the best quality drawings. We provide complete structural detailing.

Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, schedules and other structural documents specially prepared structural engineers for the construction work by the contractor or a subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the structure work.

A shop drawing is produce by the technical detailer , that defined exacts shape, Dimension , bolt, steel detail, channel size ,riveted ,wield details and many other structure component that assemble and cast at site . Our team will help you to build the project with accurate detailand Time line project.


  • Developer and consultant get Accurate Steel Shop drawings with Bill of Materials.
  • Present accurate design information like erection, assembly , stair case ,ceiling and fabrication drawing details for Qty and cost calculations.
  • Very fast and accurate details for on time tender submission.
  • Avoid conflicts before real-life constructions and deliver clash free drawing set.
  • Reduce duplication of work and improve processes faster at site work.
  • Drawing sets can be delivered with International standard.
  • One solution by developing Structural Still 3D Model which offers Structural Steel & Shop Drawing, Fabrication,assembly drawings, structural beams design, steel framing design and many more

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